Analisa Sebaran Panas Pada Ruang Inkubator Telur Unggas Otomatis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Fitriani, Lili
452 Teknik Tenaga Elektrik 
2021-06-03 15:21:46 
Abstract :
Technology is something that plays a very important role in helping in every human activity.both in healt,industry and orthers. An example of the use of technology is in the case of automatic processing of poultry aggs, this research aims to determine the pattern of heat distribution in incubator for hacting chicken eggs, to determine the temperature distribution in an automatic poultry egg incubator.and know the temperature at each incubator point measuring 30cmx30cm for laying poultry eggs, so that the temperature distribution in the incubator is evenly distributed over the range (35,0)?c. a good heat source when used are two and ten watt incandescent lamps. To adjust the temperature to a constant temperature inside the egg incubator, a WH70 16E temperature sensor and a thermometer are used. And the motor plays an inportant role in the incubator in egg hatching so that it is easy to change the position of the eggs and eggs racks. On a difference in position indicates that the temperature varies within the range (34.0-35.0)?. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis