Aplikasi Mobile Tes Buta Warna Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Rational Unified Process
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Fitri, Noraida
463 Teknik Perangkat Lunak 
2021-10-21 08:14:12 
Abstract :
Color blindness is a visual impairment of the eye. Where one cannot see a particular color that others can see. Color blindness is a disorder experienced by some people from birth because of genetic factors from parents or can be caused by taking drugs. In color blindness has several types of Total Color blindness where a person can not see colors other than black and white. Partial Color Blindness where a person cannot see certain colors, including green, red and yellow. This color blindness disorder can be known by doing a color blindness test using the ishihara plate using android with the Rational Unified Process development method. Where this research can aim to provide information to penggunas about color blindness disorders, especially to students who will continue their education to the college level. Because this color blindness test becomes one of the requirements to determine the choice of a person who wants to continue their studies. The app is android-designed using the Kotlin programming language method as well as unified modeling language (UML) as a system design and uses Black Box Testing as a test of the application. The final result of this study is the creation of an Android- based application to test for color visual impairment using ishihara plates using the Rational Unified Processs method. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis