Aplikasi Perencanaan Keuangan Keluarga Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) Berbasis Mobile
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Izradinoval, Muhammad Wahyu
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-09-28 09:42:25 
Abstract :
In general, financial management really needs to be done to manage finances regularly and well. The development of technology and information can now be used to support policies in managing finances properly and carefully. This study develops a mobile-based family financial planning application that can assist in managing family finances. Why does family financial planning need to be done, because through the financial planning process we will be better able to plan to buy a house, vacation, buy two-wheeled vehicles, children's education, and home property needs. The methodology used to develop this application is Rapid Application Development (RAD) as a solution for developing family financial planning applications. In the process of making this family financial planning application, it was designed using the flutter framework and data storage using SQLite. The results of the feasibility test on the family financial planning application were tested using the black box testing method with the results that each feature was successfully operated. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis