Aplikasi Pengaduan Kerusakan Jalan Dengan Algoritma Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Untuk Menentukan Prioritas Layanan
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Azlin, Nuri Izatti
463 Teknik Perangkat Lunak 
2021-10-21 13:52:18 
Abstract :
At this time, every road damage the community can contribute to providing reports related to road damage, but reports must go through other parties before arriving. to the relevant agencies, then on the other hand repairs to road damage have a priority scale, based on the provisions that have been made based on the provisions that have been set, but the calculation of road repair priorities at this time is still manual, calculations with this manual take a long time, so it can be concluded that a system is needed that is able to become a media for reporting road damage, which connects the community and other agencies. also a system that is able to calculate the priority value of road damage. In this study, the methodology used by the author is a prototype, using Codeigniter framework, and MYSQL as the DBMS,and the AHP algorithm as a priority scale calculation, resulting in a website as a frontend administrator as well as AHP calculations for service priorities, as well as a mobile-based application using android operating system as media for reporting road damages and potholes. The results of the testing carried out on both applications using the blackbox method concluded that the application on the administrator's side can run well, in accordance with the existing functions, this also applies to the mobile application on the user side (reporter). 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis