Aplikasi Augmented Reality Sebagai Inovasi Informasi Objek Wisata Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Bengkalis)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Junaidi, Junaidi
463 Teknik Perangkat Lunak 
2021-10-25 15:14:33 
Abstract :
Bengkalis is the outermost district of Riau province which has historical and marine tourism sites. Tourist attraction information is currently still taking advantage of the annual events about culture so that information on other tourist objects is unknown to tourists. So, for that we need an Augmented Reality Application for Tourism Objects using the Location Based Service method that utilizes the coordinates of the user. This technology is used to introduce tourists to information about marine and historical tourism objects. This application displays the features of WisataAR, Help, About, and gallery. This application will display information in 2D and sound. The design of this application uses the Design Thinking method, by applying it to the user's experience and vision so that this application will focus more on user needs. There are 5 stages in the Design Thinking method, namely Emphatize which is used to find the needs of the user. Define which is used to define the requirements obtained. Ideate formulates functional and non-functional requirements obtained. Prototype makes the appearance of the application prototype in the form of application descriptions and use case diagrams. The test to test the application prototype is done by distributing questionnaires to users to get feedback, and giving some questions using the SUS(System Usability Scale) method to get the average value of the feasibility of the application to be built. From the results of testing with the SUS method, an average score of 76 is included in grade B (Good) or feasible to use. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis