Pengontrolan Lampu Penerangan Berbasis Sms Komunikasi Dua Arah
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Audian, Vandi
451 Teknik Elektro 
2021-06-04 14:49:00 
Abstract :
Electrical energy is much needed by society and electronics. For example, there are still lights controlling that are controlled using a switch as a control on the lights on or off. To provide convenience for users, this study designed "Two-Way SMS-Based Lighting Control". GSM SIM900 functions as a means of sending and receiving messages, the cellphone gives commands in the form of an SMS to turn on the lights and an AC Light Dimmer which functions to adjust the brightness of the lights. The light of the Dimmer is set by the dimmer which is sent via SMS, the lamp is commanded by the SMS by writing the text Lamp 1 ON 10 and GSM replies with Lamp 1 on 10%, the lamp receives the maximum voltage when the Dimmer is set to 50% and returns to 60. In the overall test there is, the measured VAC voltage is 3.51 and the current is 0.079 A in very dim light conditions and the dimmer is set to 15% and the text in the SMS must be the same as the one programmed otherwise the lamp will not turn on. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis