Alat Sistem Pemesanan Menu Makanan Berbasis Arduino Uno
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Setiawan, Bayu
451 Teknik Elektro 
2021-06-04 14:57:43 
Abstract :
The efficiency and effectiveness of work greatly influences the creation of current efforts. Therefore, a way to overcome this is developed with one of the technological developments in the field of restaurants. With the restaurant's food ordering tool using Arduino Uno-based Bluetooth HC 05, the owner of the restaurant will slightly cut the costsincurred to hire waiters and speed up bookings without waiting in line. There are 2 designs in this system namely the sender (master) and the recipient(slave). Each of these systems has interconnected tasks. The sender's task(master)serves as entering incoming order data from the user then the data is sent to the recipient (slave) through bluetooth signal HC 05 paired in both systems. In the final test, a distance test was conducted on bluetooth to determine what limit the maximum distance required by bluetooth and obtained the result of a test of 21 meters. The time it takes for the printer to print an order depends on how many orders are ordered,if the order list is small it will take 30.35 seconds, while if the order list is large it will take 2 minutes 5.66 seconds with a 90% accuracy of the tool. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis