Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Nilai Ph, Kekeruhan Dan Tds Berbasis Arduino Uno
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Susilawati, Susilawati
451 Teknik Elektro 
2021-06-04 15:10:48 
Abstract :
Water is a source of life, not only humans, other living things also need water. Water as an environmental component that will influence and be nfluenced by other components. Water that is of poor quality will also pollute the environment. Because of this problem, a design or tool that is able to detect some of these bad water problems is made, such as the pH value, the turbidity value and the TDS value in a liquid. When the appliance is supplied with a power supply, the system will be active. After the system is active, sensor one, namely the pH-4502C sensor, is immersed or put in water in order to know the sensor value, he read sensor value will be displayed on the 20x4 LCD display. In the second sensor, the turbidity sensor LGZD V1.1 is also inserted into the same liquid to ind out the turbidity value of the liquid and in the last sensor, the conductivit/TDS/salt level sensor is inserted into the same liquid to find out the value of the sensor. From the test results, the highest value on the pH test is liquid soap of 11.7 mg/l in the turbidity test is coffee liquid of 3.86 NTU and in the TDS est is liquid salt 524.52 mg/l. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis