Analisa Pengaruh Kebisingan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel Terhadap Lingkungan Di Pt Pln Persero Sub Ulp Teluk Buntal Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Zakri, Ahmad
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2021-06-09 14:20:04 
Abstract :
PT. PLN (Persero) SUB ULP Teluk Buntal in its operational activities functions to enter electrical energy both as a base load bearer and peak load in the sector electrical system. The results of observations made at the location of the PLTD SUB ULP Teluk Buntal during the operational process, the community environment was exposed to noise. The noise that is present during the operational process comes from power generation machines, the noise generated not only causes discomfort but also can have serious effects on the community environment. This study aims to determine the relationship of noise to the environment of diesel power generation engines in PLTD Teluk Buntal, noise measurements were taken from 40 points within the diesel power plant in the Teluk Buntal PLTD. Data processing was performed using quantitative data analysis methods. The method of quantitative data analysis is an approach to data processing through statistical or mathematical methods that are collected from secondary data. Based on the research that was carried out the average value in the PLTD Teluk Buntal environmental area using a sound level meter, in this test the highest value was obtained at 17.00 WIB with a noise value of 114.7 dB with a measurement distance of 10 meters. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis