Load Balancing Per Connection Classifier 2 Jaringan Dilab Rpl Dan Lab Jarkom.
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Afwandi, M. Redo
458 Teknik Informatika 
2021-02-28 00:13:25 
Abstract :
Load Balancing is a technique for distributing traffic loads on two or more connection lines in a balanced manner, so that traffic can run optimally, maximize throughput, reduce response time and avoid overload on one connection path, so that the density on the path becomes the first calculation in the distribution of bandwidth. Per connection classifier is a technique in grouping connection traffic in and out of the router into several groups which are differentiated by src-address,dst-address, src-address, src-port, and dst-port. In order for the router to the gateway path that is passed at the beginning of the connection traffic, this final project is designed to stabilize traffic on the RPL Lab and JARKOM Lab networks by using load balancing techniques with the per connection classifier (pcc) method designed to avoid overloading. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis