Rancang Bangun Solar Thermal Collector Sebagai Pemanas Destilator
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Nababan, Josua Dafor Suker
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2021-06-10 14:26:35 
Abstract :
Solar thermal collector or solar thermal collector is a tool that functions to collect solar heat using a mirror. This solar thermal collector tool can follow the direction of the sun's movement directly so that it gets the maximum sun heat, where in previous studies the tool made could not follow the movement of the sun. The method of designing a solar thermal collector as a heater for this distilator is to measure the sun's heat reflected from the solar thermal collector to the distillation container, then the data from the heat measurement obtained is made in the form of a graph and there you can see the fluctuation of the heat obtained. The result of the solar thermal collector as a heating distilator is that in addition to measuring heat, the distillation process time is also faster than not using a solar thermal collector, the time for distillation when not using a solar thermal collector is 5 hours for 1 kg of plastic glass. leycos. when using the solar thermal collector the time achieved to spend 1 kg of plastic Leycos glass is less than 5 hours. So that the results get better after using the solar thermal collector as a distillator heater. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis