Aplikasi Pemesanan Keripik Singkong Berbasis Web Untuk Meningkatkan Usaha Industri Rumahan
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Robianto, Novian
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-01-26 09:43:34 
Abstract :
This application is designed to be able to increase the business of the home industry, especially to advance the cassava chips business owned by parents at this time, the sales and purchase system that was originally done manually can also be done online. As a customer, of course, this application makes it easier for people to order products, with this designed system, of course, product marketing is wider. With this application, the ordering and selling information system for this product can be done more easily and practically, of course. This application will be designed using the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework and MySql as a database management system. By utilizing this technology, customers can easily order products anywhere and anytime online and traders can also monitor incoming transactions through the application. The advantage of this application is that it can facilitate and expand business networks. Based on the results of application testing on customers who initially bought the product with the system coming home or by telephone, with this application the customer can order the product and then process it by the admin, then the customer receives a delivery receipt number from the application. This application can run well on several browsers, namely Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Google Edge. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis