Aplikasi Informasi dan Pemesanan Tanaman Herbal
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Shabihah, Huriyah Nailah
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-01-24 09:48:56 
Abstract :
Currently, herbal plants have been widely used as a natural treatment medium. This becomes an obstacle when many consumers spend too long looking for herbal plants. For this reason, an application for information and ordering herbal plants is needed that can be accessed by herbal plant business owners and consumers. This application is made using the PHP programming language and uses the MySql database as a data storage medium and Sublime Text as the editor. Tests were carried out on three partners by testing every feature in this application, such as registration and login for partners, inputting herbal plant data, updating partner profiles, and displaying invoice data. Testing on consumers is carried out on two users by testing every existing feature, such as registration and login for consumers, ordering plants, shopping baskets, transaction processing, consumer transaction data, consumer transaction details, and updating consumer profiles. Based on the results of testing the implementation of this application, it can help consumers find information on herbal plants, place orders for herbal plants, besides that this application can help business partners promote their business. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis