Aplikasi Layanan Ambulans Berbasis Android Dengan Metode Extreme Programming
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Izan, Muhammad
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-01-25 14:57:42 
Abstract :
Extreme Programming is a software engineering development methodology aimed at improving software quality against changes and customer needs. The development of this system is carried out in several stages, namely several stages, namely planning, designing, coding, and testing. Ambulansce is a vehicle equipped with medical equipment. These vehicles are used to carry people who are sick or have an accident. However, limited information in obtaining ambulansce services when there are people who need transportation to get to the puskesmas is still common. Not infrequently people experience difficulties and confusion when they want to order an ambulansce because they do not know how to contact the puskesmas or hospital to obtain ambulansce. Therefore, this research was conducted to build an Android-based ambulansce service application, especially for people in Bengkalis District. Through this application, the public can obtain data and make calls to ambulansce drivers. This application was built using Android Studio with the Java programming language, for the MySQL database and for application testing using Black Box Testing and Capability Testing. From the test results, it was found that each test case made to test the application was successful and as expected. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis