Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement) Menggunakan Metode Manual Desainperkerasan Jalan Revisi September 2017 (Studi Kasus : Jalan Mariman, Desa Teluk Papal – Bantan Air, Kecamatan Bantan, Kabupaten Bengkalis)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Darmawan, Rahmatullah
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-06-21 10:59:17 
Abstract :
Bantan District is one of 11 (eleven) Districts in Bengkalis Regency, one of which is the road in Bantan District, namely Mariman street Teluk Papal Village, this road is the access road for the local community to Teluk Ondan Village, and Bantan Sari and also access to community plantations. With good road conditions, smooth transportation activities will be easier, such as mobilizing goods or services safely, comfortably and becoming an important role in the distribution of goods such as rubber, areca nut and palm oil. In this case also to support the process of accelerating economic development in the area. Based on field observations, it shows that the overall existing width of the existing base pavement is 6 m and the shoulder condition is still in the form of soil. Then when it rains, the road will be flooded due to the many holes along the road. With this condition, the community or motorists will find it very difficult to get on the road. Therefore it is necessary to do a good planning for Mariman street Teluk Papal Village which is in the Bengkalis Regency area so that drivers can easily carry out transportation activities and are safe in driving and get the desired pavement results and know the results of the planned budget costs incurred, in accordance with manual method of road pavement design 2017 (Revised September). After the calculation of the thickness of the rigid pavement and the budget plan are obtained from the manual method of road pavement design in 2017 the September revision. So it is known that the thickness of the stiff pavement on Mariman street Teluk Papal Village is 195 mm thick and the thickness of the aggregate base A 12,5 cm. And the total result of the planned budget is Rp.7.807.380.000 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis