Kompas Digital Penunjuk Arah Kiblat Dengan Output Audio
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Arni, Delfi Zulfa
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-08-01 10:49:01 
Abstract :
Ka?bah is a qibla for muslims on earth for sholat. The right potision for qibla is an important thing, because face to qibla is a one of the legal requirement for sholat. When sholat the whole of body a person should be facing towards ka?bah which is located in makkaratul mukarramah, so accuracy is needed, one of them for the construction of a mosque. In this last task is made a digital compass with audio output. The errors in the above are expected to minimize the existence of a qibla direction determining device that has high accuracy with digital compass. This tool uses a digital compass input that produces audio output in the form of a specific direction using uart serial mp3 player. Where these direction represent where must facing. This compass can be calibrated so that it matches the parameters disired. The results this application success rate of the tool reaches 99,99%. 
Institution Info

Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis