Pendeteksi Tingkat Kejernihan Air Pada Tangki Keran Wudhu Otomatis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Tugiandi, Tugiandi
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-08-01 11:19:33 
Abstract :
Water is an essential material that is very instrumental in life and for human life. Of course because about 80% of the human body consists of liquid, but also because in the water there is a mineral element needed for human physical development, therefore it is necessary to take action to see the level of clarity of water used in everyday life. Turbid water is water that is not clean and healthy what else if it is used for ablution, therefore the level of water clarity must be measured using turbidity sensor with Arduino Unobased microcontroller so that it can find out whether the water is suitable for use. Then the sensor voltage in the form of analog data can be processed into digital data using ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and can be displayed on the LCD, so that it can detect whether the water is clean or not clean (cloudy). Arduino Uno functions as a control system of this device, the turbidity sensor is used to detect the level of water clarity and selenoid valve is used to live and turn off the water channel. This water level clarity detection system operates when the water in the tank of the ablution tap is cloudy, the sensor will detect it so that the selenoid will be closed and the water will no longer flow, so the buzzer will sound as well as the LED will light up. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis