Kipas Angin Menggunakan Sensor Suhu Dan Sensor Pir Berbasis Mikrokontroler
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Zulfikar, Zulfikar
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-08-01 11:44:30 
Abstract :
Cooling is a necessity for humans. In using a conventional fan, the way it works still presses the button to turn on and adjust the speed, the way it works is still less efficient because it still presses the button to turn on and adjust the speed. An automatic fan is equipped with a temperature sensor and PIR sensor. The development of fans is increasingly varied both in terms of size, position, and function. The design of this tool consists of making the box where the components, the layout of each component and the installation of the fan used. From the design results obtained the fan will live when it detects motion and will die if it does not detect motion. The fan speed is regulated through the motor driver depending on the temperature detected by the temperature sensor. This motion detector uses a PIR sensor and temperature detection using a DS1820 temperature sensor. This system is also equipped with Liquid Crystal Display which is useful to provide information about the detected temperature and fan speed. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis