Penjemur Pinang Otomatis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Syukri, Muhammad
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-08-02 16:15:13 
Abstract :
In general, the people drying the betel nuts are still done manually by opening and closing the areca nut drying place, if drying the betel nuts will spend a lot of time to keep betel nuts when dried in the daytime because they are worried about rain. Now technological advances have developed and can make betel drying using the LDR sensor (light dependent resistor), rain sensor, Arduino as a microcontroller, the driver as the motor speed and direction of rotation and the gearbox motor as a driving place for the areca nut drying. The result of the design of this tool is when the morning and the light dependent resistor (LDR) sensor is detected the light will move the clockwise to remove the areca nut drying place for 8,28 seconds and limit switch 2 to turn off the motor, when the rain sensor detects rain in the afternoon the motor will move counter-clockwise to enter the betel nut for 8,28 seconds and the limit switch 1 is active to turn off the motor and incandescent lights will live to heat areca nut during the day, when the rain sensor no longer detects rain then the motor will move in the same direction clockwise to remove the areca nut again for 8,28 seconds and the limit switch 2 is active to turn off the motor, if it is night or the light dependent resistor (LDR) sensor no longer detects light, the motor will move counter-clockwise to enter the areca nut during 8,28 seconds and limit switch 1 active to turn off motor. 
Institution Info

Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis