Pendeteksi Kesehatan Tubuh Menggunakan Sensor Suhu Dan Pulse Sensor Berbasis Arduino Nano
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Nurfarahin, Nurfarahin
451 Teknik Elektro 
2022-08-08 10:38:46 
Abstract :
Progress in the health sector is developing very rapidly. Various tools were created to help the work of doctors to detect the health of their patients. One of them in dealing with ill patients, tools such as thermometers and stethoscopes are indeed commonly used by medical, personnel but some of these tools work separatly for the purpose. Of the final project this is ti find out how to design and combine body temperature detection tools and arduino nano based heartbeats.Object of research by measuring the two indicator namely heart rate and body temperature in two ways namely measuring using an arduino based device and standard tools used medical personnel sensor and thermometer. Data collection method used is measurement and documentation. Final assigment through measurements obtained measurement results in the form of numerical values and graphs of heart rate. Body temprature by comparing the results of the study using an arduino based tool. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that the human body?s health detectors should not be used as a diagnosis for patients. Disease but only used as a tool to monitor the condition of patients devices. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis