Prototype Sistem Informasi Kecelakaan Pada Kendaraan Menggunakan Sms (Short Message Service)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Azuwan, M.
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-08-08 11:32:15 
Abstract :
Traffic accidents still often occur where the effects of the accident can cause death for the driver. It was happens because of the lack of adequate emergency facilities. Then, producer created a system that can provide information directly through a smart phone. The purpose and benefits of this research are the creation of a system made in the form of a remote control car prototype that can detect at the time of a collision/accident and as a sender of information at the time of the accident and there is no accident to prevent delays in handling or assistance to traffic accident victims. The results of testing using the MPX2010DP sensor, the components used in the design of the tool is MPX2010DP which function to detect collisions, GPS NEO-6M which function to detect the location of the remote control car, SIM800L which function to send messages containing coordinates from GPS. The function of push button as a safe condition button when there is no accident. The Arduno serves to control and store all the commands that will be run by MPX2010DP, Push button, SIM800L and GPS NEO-6M. The results of the research are the system can send accident information when the sensor detects a collision with a larger ADC pressure of 618, the information when it does not occur accident/safe condition is also successful by pressing the push button available on the remote control car, to determine the accuracy of the GPS by knowing the coordinate point and the distance of the initial position to the place of the test with the results obtained are all accurate. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis