Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Bisnis Korean Toast Egg Drop (Tinjauan Aspek Produksi)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Putri, Devi Eka
571 Manajemen 
2022-08-15 09:47:23 
Abstract :
The title of this final project is ?Planning and Manufacturing of Korean Toast Egg Drop Business (Production Aspect Review)?. The general purpose of the project is to find out the planning and manufacturing of Korean Toast Egg Drop Business. The specific objectives to be achieved in this final project are to find out the raw materials used and the production process, the calculation of the total cost, the constraints faced in the production section, as well as the solutions to the problems faced in producing Korean Toast Egg Drop. There are 4 implementation methods used in this business, namely: project preparation plan, project implementation plan, project completion plan, and project reporting plan. The final result of the project implementation is the raw materials used, namely wheat bread, eggs, cheese, carrots, cabbage, and tomatoes and this production process runs for 20 (twenty) times of production. The total cost of production for 20 (twenty) times of production is Rp. 982,000. The obstacles faced are the price of eggs that continue to fluctuate, the availability of limited stock of wheat bread, and the lack of caution in baking bread so that the baked bread will burn. The solution to this problem is if the price of eggs increases, the author only buys eggs to order, nothing more. Then before the sale, coordinate with the marketing department two days in advance to ensure whether the wheat bread is available or not. And when baking bread using low heat and using a little butter, the bread doesn't burn quickly and bakes evenly. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis