Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Bisnis Carrot Chips "Butter" (Tinjauan Aspek Pemasaran)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Nazilah, Hikmatun
571 Manajemen 
2022-11-02 11:39:00 
Abstract :
The purpose of this final project is to find out how to plan and making of Carrot Chips ?Butter? business. And to find out how segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and marketing mix (Marketing Mix), as well as to find out what obstacles are faced and what solutions are given when doing marketing. In this final project using 4 methods consisting of project preparation plans, project implementation plans, project completion plans and project reporting plans. The results of the implementation of this final project show the existing market segment in Bengkalis with a target market of all types of people, both men and women. For the preparatory stage that must be done by the marketing department, namely, searching and gathering information, preparing capital, designing and designing labels, and designing product packaging. The market position of this product has the advantages and uniqueness of processed carrot vegetables which taste delicious and crunchy without any preservatives. The marketing mix for this project is products that are packaged using standing plastic bags and equipped with packaging labels. The completion stage is selling the product at a predetermined price. The pricing of the Carrot Chips ?Butter? product is Rp. 7,000/Pack by promoting through social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis