Aplikasi Fingerprint Sebagai Akses Pintu Dan Absensi Mahasiswa
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Fadli, Muhammad
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-09-26 10:52:31 
Abstract :
In public, attendance system still using manual system, so does the access system to a place. The system is still manual has many shortcomings and easy level of cheating. To overcome this there, has a system that can overcome it, namely is biometric system. This research is how to make the attendance system and access to enter the classroom using biometric system. Biometric system in here use human fingerprint, used to attendance devices and also as access to the entrance of the room. When the fingerprint is detected by the fingerprint accordingly, then the data will be stored and recorded present in database, then doorlock will open. After testing as a whole, the results showed that this tool has an accuracy rate of 97.5%, and a low error rate 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis