Abstract :
This study aims to design a strategy for developing a coconut shell charcoal business by using the Business Model Canvas approach for MSME in Bantan Timur Bengkalis. The type of research used by the author is descriptive qualitative with the aim of designing new alternative strategies that are used to maintain the business even during the Covid-19. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation and documentation. The object of this research is Coconut Shell Charcoal in MSME Bantan Timur. These results indicate that the results of the mapping on the Business Model Canvas indicate the need for a new strategy change because there are still potential and unserved market segments whose capacity does
not meet customer demands. So it can be concluded that it is necessary to design new alternative strategies through SWOT Analysis of each Business Model Canvas elements to be applied to MSME Bantan Timur in the future.