Abstract :
This research aims to determine market niche penetration strategy of
Wardah cosmetic products for the female muslim market segmentation. The
purpose of this study are to know about the excellence of Wardah cosmetic
products, penetration strategy for the muslim female market segmentation, kind
of policies are implemented in the marketing of Wardah cosmetic products, and
muslim female market segmentation that affect consumer purchasing decisions.
The method use in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data
analysis process is carried out by presenting the data that has been obtained for
later drawing conclusions. The results of this study are the excellence of Wardah
cosmetic products are safe and halal, easy to find, having many choices, and
Wardah already has halal certification from LPPOM MUI, Penetration strategy
for the muslim female market segmentation strives to achieve three main goals
namely, Maintain or increase the market share of this product, Safe from market
growth domination because Wardah's target is Muslim women, and Increasing
usage by existing customers. Kind of policies are implemented in the marketing of
Wardah cosmetic products are prioritizing three beauty concepts that can make
their products to be product choice including Pure and Safe, Beauty Expert and
Inspiring Beauty.