Abstract :
This study aims to determine the personal factors in the decision to buy pineapple dodol Bumdes Kuala Alam. This type of research is observational by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents using the Nonprobility sampling method of selecting samples. The results of this study indicate that age and life cycle stages get a mean score of 4.41 classified in a very high class, work and economic conditions get a mean score of 4.21 classified in a very high class, personality and self-concept get a mean score of 4,35 classified as very high class, lifestyle and value get a mean score of 4.30 classified as high class. So the most dominant personal factors influencing the purchasing decisions of dodol pineapple Bumdes Kuala Alam are age and life cyle stage, while the lowest personal factors that have the least influence on purchasing decisions for dodol pineapple Bumdes Kuala alam are lifestyle