Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Bisnis Oseng Kentang "Delicious" (Tinjauan Aspek Produksi)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Yanti, Afrida
571 Manajemen 
2022-08-25 22:16:27 
Abstract :
This final project is entitled Planning and Manufacture of Fried Potatoes Business "DELICIOUS" "(Production Aspect Review)". The general objective of this final project is to find out how to plan and makinga fried potatoes "DELICIOUS". The specific objectives of this final project are to find out the raw materials used, to find out how the production process of the "DELICIOUS" fried potatoes, and to find out the calculate the total cost production process, as well as to find out the obstacles and solutions encounterend during the production process. There are 4 implementation methods used in this project, namely, plan preparation, implementation, completion, and project reporting. The final result of this product is to produce a new product of fried potatoes DELICIOUS. Theproduction process is a type of Intermittentproduction process.Theobstacles faced difficulty in getting raw materials. The main raw material for potatoes is really good quality and the problem when frying potatoes is that the potatoes are easy to blend with one another, so that the when cooked the sticky inside of the potato is still wet and not tasty. The solution when the raw material for potatoes is difficult to find at the time of production is overcome by looking for these raw materials until quality potatoes are found and the solution and sticky potatoes are by separating each potato when soaking in vinegar so that the potato poople do not mix with each other. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis