Abstract :
The general objective of this project is the Implementing and planning of workshop cooking for starting online business with small budget. The specific purpose of workshop this determine the promotion strategy carried out, determine the criteria for sponsors and donors, find out the obstacles and solutions in the implementation of the Workshop, especially in the promotion section.method of planning and organizing the Workshop consists of a project preparation plan, project implementation plan, project completion plan and project reporting plan. The results of the project preparation carried out are determining the promotion strategy carried out, planning the brochure design, determining the criteria for sponsors, donors. Project implementation is carried out by distributing brochures, conducting promotions using social media to sponsors, donors, and participants, looking for participants.The project completion stage was carried out by giving appreciation to the participants, disbanding the committee and thanking those who helped. The project reporting phase carries out the implementation of the final project project activities, reports on the use of the costs of the promotion section, finds out the constraints and solutions. Constraints in the promotion department are the delay in getting the venue for the event and the lack preparation in the setup time for the event. The solution to the problem is that the author must determine the place for the event as soon as possible at least one month before the event is held, in the case of the second obstacle, namely the change in the timing of the event , where the obstacle can be overcome by informing the participants of the change in time via the Whatsapp group.