Abstract :
The Central Statistics Agency or BPS Library in Bengkalis Regency is all still done manually, whether it's the process of recording borrowing, returning, and collecting data. books that have just arrived will be counted and separated according to the title of the book and then register each other's books, When visitors want to find borrowed books, they have to check and search manually, and if they want to borrow books, this final goal is to create a website-based library application to become a well-organized and systematic library. The purpose of this final project research is to create a website-based library application to become a well-organized and systematic library. The way this application system works inputs library data such as book data and member data and has a feature of borrowing and returning books. From the results of the trials that have been carried out, it shows that this system is successfully run well and is easy to use for officers in managing data, while for library members, it is easier to borrow books and find out the status of book loans.
Keywords: Bengkalis Regency BPS Library, Web, Laravel, MySql