Abstract :
The rise of cases of theft in solar street lighting components makes it difficult for street users, especially at night. Many criminal cases occur because of the lack of lighting on the streets. Plus the lack of information to related parties to immediately repair the dead PJUTS lights. As a form of assistance to the relevant agencies, namely the city planning service, to immediately address the theft of
components in the PJUTS lamp. In this study, the authors designed a security information system on the PJUTS lamp components via telegram messages. This device allows the relevant agencies to immediately address if there is a theft on the PJUTS pole so that there are no more street lights that have to turn off due to criminal theft cases. There are 3 main components, namely ESP8266 as an internet medium for sending messages to telegram with the help of WiFi, then the
Infrared (IR) Sensor as a detector if there is a theft of the component, and the NEO6MV2 GPS module as a detection point for the stolen PJUTS pole location. There are 2 tests that have been carried out, namely testing on the sensor and
testing on the PJUTS pole. In sensor testing, the measurement of the output voltage is considered stable at 3.24 Volts in accordance with the sensor working voltage, which is 3-5 Volts. Another test on the sensor is testing the response time of receiving telegram messages with an average time of 6.15 seconds with a distance of ± 1.5 Km.