Aplikasi Penjadwalan Khatib Berbasis Website Dengan Notifikasi Bot Api Telegram Di Kota Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Ayunita, Ayunita
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-08-31 11:00:50 
Abstract :
Mubaligh or often called Khatib is the most important person in the implementation of Friday prayers. Khatib as a person who delivers a lecture before performing Friday prayers. In informing the scheduling of the preacher, it is still manual, namely by hand writing on paper and then typing it using Microsoft Word and printing it is given to the coordinator to be distributed one by one to preachers. So that missionaries are required to see the schedule every week but due to having a busy schedule every preacher, makes missionaries often forget to remember the schedule given. From the above problems, a Website-Based Khatib Scheduling Application with Telegram Fire Bot Notifications in Bengkalis City is proposed. This application is designed using CodeIgniter Framework and MySQL as a database management system. And the Telegram API Bot is used for sending notifications from the preacher's Telegram application. With this application to make it easier to input the schedule of the preacher online, that is by the admin making the schedule first on the website so that he gets a notification after it is finished and gives a schedule reminder to the preacher two hours before it starts. When the preacher cannot attend, the coordinator can change the schedule data and there is no need for an admin to change it so that the preacher can get the latest schedule update information. From the results of the trials that have been carried out, it shows that this system has been run successfully and by testing the black box and white box methods with the aim of ensuring the application can run properly. From the tests carried out on the system, it shows that every functional of the features as a whole is successful. In addition, testing of users received a good response and of course had some input. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis