Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Panggabean, Ronando Prasetio
457 Teknik Komputer
2022-08-26 21:07:15
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Most farmers in Indonesia have switched to growing hydroponic plants, because the maintenance is very easy, there are not many pests on plants, and the pattern of planting without using planting media. Monitoring water quality in hydroponic plants is very important for the growth of these plants to get good crop yields. Hydroponic plant growth can be influenced by various factors, one of which is pH. Monitoring water quality is very important to do in an effort to keep up with the pH level of the water. Currently, the monitoring is still carried out conventionally, namely measuring and recording manually. In this case, automatic monitoring is a solution so that hydroponic plant water quality monitoring is more efficient. The Monitoring System can read data through sensors installed in the hydroponic system. This final project aims to create a monitoring system for water pH levels in lettuce plants that is able to display the pH value and description of the pH of the water through a website. The hardware used in this tool consists of the NodeMCU ESP8266 and the MSP340 sensor. The results of the last test showed that the average value for hydroponic lettuce plants was PH 7.43 with the description of Base and got an error value of 0.036 and %error 1%.