Rancang Bangun Lampu Perumahan Otomatis Berbasis Intrnet Of Things (IOT) Dengan Pengontrolan Aplikasi Telegram
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Jumini, Jumini
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-08-26 21:37:56 
Abstract :
Housing is a place to live in, a gathering place for family and relatives. Elite housing usually has made smart homes with a sophisticated age of technology. The design used for automatic housing is using NodeMCU ESP8266 and also using relays and giving commands via telegram. Before controlling the lights in the house we also have to create a token number in BotFather, so that it can be connected to telegram. We also have to check the telegram ID. Arduino IDE as software for creating programs. Telegram works when the housing owner wants to turn the lights on or off. botJumiESP_bot is a chatbot to order lamp 1 or lamp 2 on or off, homeowners can also check lamp status via telegram. Controlling the lights using a telegram so that residents in the house are easier to turn on and off the lights. Who lives in the residential area. If you want to travel and don't have time to turn off the lights, homeowners can control the lights using telegram. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis