Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that will be used as a reference for conducting a To determine the factors that will be used as a reference for conducting a Analysis of Community Perceptions on The Establishment of Outlet Business Plan at Bumdes Air Putih Jaya Bengkalis and To make a Analysis of Community Perceptions on The Establishment of Outlet Business Plan at Bumdes Air Putih Jaya Bengkalis. Data collection techniques were carried out using questionnaires, namely by distributing a list of questions to be filled out by the respondents of the Air Putih Bengkalis Community. This of research is Observasional. The research variable is the Establishment of Outlet Business which has 5 aspect indicators, namely: aspects market and marketing aspects, technical and operational aspects, AMDAL aspects, legal aspects and financial aspects. Data was collected by probability sampling with Simple Random sampling of 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the public's perception of the plan toestablish a
Bumdesa Air Putih Jaya outlet is in the medium category. This means that in general, respondents believe that the plan to establish this outlet can be carried out, although they are still not completely sure.