Aplikasi Penjualan Kain Tenun Di Desa Bukit Batu Berbasis Website
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Natasya, Mardini
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-08-28 17:19:24 
Abstract :
This research was conducted in Bukit Batu village, Bukit Batu district,Bengkalis regency. The sale of woven fabrics discusses the sales of woven fabrics that are happening at this time where in placing orders it is still classified as manual, such as promotion of goods still relying on posters. Consumers who are in the Bukit Batu area if they want to buy woven fabrics, consumers come directly to the sales locatiob, but if consumers come from outside the area, consumers will order via telephone or via chat. From these problems, it is proposed an application for selling woven fabrics in the village of Bukit Batu. The purpose of this application is to build a website-based woven fabric sales application. The results of this serearch are in the form of a website-based application for selling woven fabrics in Bukit Batu village that helps buyers get information about woven fabrics in Bukit Batu village, because this application has several features, namely promotions, product selection, about us and transactions. The system is designed using the PHP programming language with a codeigniter framework and MySql database management. The trial was carried out by testing each functionality using the Black Box and White Box methods and tested directly on users with the aim of knowing whtether the software created was functioning properly and correctly. From the results of tests carried out on the system, it shows that this application facilitates customer service in purchasing woven fabrics. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis