Abstract :
There are several methods of checking the welding results of plate materials, starting from the Destructive Test (DT) and Non-Destructive Test (NDT). In this final project, the writer discusses the Non Destructive Test (NDT) on the design and manufacture of tools that can be used to test welding results which are quite cheap and the results are quite accurate. This tool can detect the presence of weld defects in the form of holes or cracks using the vacuum method. This tool consists of several parts, namely vacuum pump, hose, vacuum box and vacuum gauge, stop valve, naple, and other components. Leakage testing on welding 1G, 2G, 3G, overhead, plate thickness differences can be tested with a vacuum test tool with a flat plate. By using this tool, the position of the leak or crack is detected by the appearance of air bubbles that appear in the welding groove when the vacuum test is carried out. The suction power of the work carried out with this tool ranges from -0.2 bar. With this pressure, it can be known if there is a leak or crack in the weld joint for plate material.