Perencanaan Ulang Struktur Atas Gedung Jasrem Makorem Pekanbaru
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Syafitri, Reymenda
421 Teknik Sipil 
2022-09-28 10:06:44 
Abstract :
The jasrem building is one part of the 031/Wirabima military command building which is under the control pf kodam 1/bukit barisan riau province. The two story jasrem building is useful for storing tools/weapons used by soldier on duty. Redesign of jasrem building using earthquake load (SNI 1726:2019) earthquake response spectrum method and concrete structural (SNI 2847:2019). With using descriptive method consists of three research stages, namely the input stage which describes the geometri of structure , dimensions and specifications of structural elements, determination of loading and three dimensional modeling. The analysis stage is modeling and loading the structure using ETABS 2013 software. The output stage is a discussion about detailed structural elements of the jasrem building. The result of this study indicate that the structurre must be designed as part of a special moment bearing frame structure (SRPMK) with the dimensions of the main beam structure of 300 mm x 600 mm using reinforcement in the support area 6D19 with shear ø10-100 mm. While in the field using 5D19 with shear ø10-200 mm. Main column using dimension 500 mm x 300 mm with reinforcement in the support area 12D19 and shear ø12-75 mm. For field area using 12D19 with shear ø12-100 mm. The thickness of the floor slab is 120 mm using D10-150 mm reinforcement for the x and y direction. For shrinkage, use D10-150 mm reinforcement. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis