Aplikasi Manajemen Kos Berbasis Web dan Notifikasi Bot API Telegram di Kos Syafira
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Dini, Ema
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-08-27 10:22:00 
Abstract :
A boarding house is a place to provide lodging services or temporary residence consisting of rooms provided with facilities provided by the boarding house owner at a predetermined price and the rental time is determined by the tenant. Payments at Syafira's boarding house still use the manual system, namely by transferring money through an ATM then proof of payment receipt in a photo and sending it via the whatsapp application, after that the owner will confirm the payment and record it in the payment log book, as well as record the tenants only by recording. With manual system processing, the obstacles encountered are when checking the data of tenants who have paid and not to mention checking the data of tenants. This manual process will take a long time because you have to check through the notebook one by one such as payments and tenant data, besides that there are also other problems such as the money that has been given by parents to pay the boarding fee is not paid to the owner of the boarding house this can result in frequent arrears occur. Therefore, it is proposed a Web-Based Boarding Management Application and Telegram API Bot Notification at Syafira Kos which makes it easier for boarding owners to find out tenants who have paid boarding fees and easily find tenant data. In addition, Telegram's Bot API is used for payment notifications to parents. This application is designed with codeigniter framework and MySQL as a database management system. From the results of the trials that have been carried out, it shows that this system has been successfully run by testing the black box and white box methods with the aim of ensuring the application can run properly. From the tests carried out on the system, it shows that every functional of the features as a whole is successful. In addition, testing of users received a good response and of course had some inputs such as the laying of the menu that was not good and the selection of inputs on the payment form was less effective. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis