Pengaruh Risiko Kredit, Risiko Pasar, Dan Risiko Likuiditas Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016-2020
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Ashikin, Nur
564 Perbankan 
2022-08-27 12:23:47 
Abstract :
Risk is one thing that must be avoided in order to achieve profits, the company can survive in today?s business competition by always considering the profit and loss. The purpose of study is to determine the effect of both simultaneously and partially between credit risk (NPL), market risk (NIM), and liquidity risk (LDR) to Profitability (ROA) in banks registered on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2020. The technique for sampling used is purposive sampling. The amount of data proccessed is 30 companies. The type of data used is secondary data from published annual reports obtained from the annual reports of each company for 2016-2020 through the website. The analysis method in this study is a multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 25 program. The results of the study showed that together or simultaneously credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk had a significant effect on profitability in banking registered on the IDX in 2016-2020. Partial research results on credit risk variable (NPL) had no significant effect to profitability, market risk (NIM) had no significant effect to to profitability, an liquidity risk had a signifikant and positive effect on profitability in banking registered on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2016-2020. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis