Analisa Dan Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Gangguan Fuse Cut Out (FCO) Melalui Notifikasi Telegram Berbasis Global Positioning System (GPS)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Rini, Endang Setio
451 Teknik Elektro 
2022-08-26 16:53:41 
Abstract :
The electric power system must be able to provide a continuous supply of electrical energy with a standard amount of voltage and frequency in accordance with applicable regulations and the system must immediately return to normal conditions if the system experiences a disturbance. This tool is made to detect disturbances and the location of the fuse cut out (FCO) using the PZEM-004T sensor to read the voltage of each phase and the Neo-6M GPS to get the coordinates of the location to be accessed via Google Map, then the Telegram bot will send a message status information feeder , the coordinates of the location connected to the Google Map, the complete address of the transformer and the voltage value after the FCO fault. The PZEM-004T sensor reads voltages ranging from 80-250 V AC. The difference in the distance between the initial coordinates to the coordinates recorded using GPS Neo-6M and GPS Coordinates is the largest, 8.6 M, while the smallest is 0.09 M. Testing of the equipment was carried out with PT. Adra Gemilang Rayon Bengkalis at PHB-TR PBG015-50 KV. The result of this test is that the Telegram bot sends a message if the FCO in the S phase is decided, namely the S phase status is lost because the voltage in the S phase decreases from 221.9 V AC to 117.7 V AC. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis