Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) Dan Time Line Scedule Pada Bangunan Gedung Puskesmas Dengan Menggunakan SNI 2021/2022 Dan AHSP No. PRT/M/2022
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Rohmah, Mei Wasiatul
421 Teknik Sipil 
2022-08-27 21:18:09 
Abstract :
The construction of the West Dumai Public Health Center has been arranged by the Ministry of Health to support health facilities in the West Dumai area. For this reason, planning documents are needed to support fundraising and development proposals to local governments, one of which is the budget plan (RAB). Planning the calculation of the Cost Budget Plan (RAB) which was made using the Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) calculation method in accordance with the PUPR Ministerial Regulation No.1/PRT/M/2022 in the field of work on the analysis of unit prices for wages and materials. Based on the calculation of the Budget Plan (RAB) the construction of the Dumai Barat Health Center building is Rp. (Six Billion Two Hundred Seventeen Million One Hundred Nineteen Thousand Rupiah), from the recapitulation of each work item such as Foundation Work of Rp.580,241,381.8, Structural Works of Rp. 1,614,542, 364.65, Floor Works of Rp. 420,862,119.11,Wall Works Rp. 1,7768,265,750,91, Ceiling Work of Rp. 246,598,770.82, Roof Work Rp. 377,106,099.87, and utility work Rp. 810,590,931.1,Finishing work Rp. 398,911,659.27, with a construction implementation time of 140 (Two Hundred and Ten) calendar days. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis