Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Ketinggian Limbah Oli Berbasis Arduino Uno Pada PT. Megapower Makmur Tbk Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Riyadi, Ahmad
454 Teknik Elektronika 
2022-09-13 10:39:02 
Abstract :
PT. Megapower Makmur Tbk Bengkalis is a limited liability company that is engaged in diesel power plants and every month performs the service process so that the waste oil from each engine enters a pond. Oil waste includes waste that is hazardous, toxic and has a negative impact on society if it is not managed properly. Therefore, it is important to have a monitoring system that can detect the level of waste oil and provide notifications. One of the methods used for this solution is when the waste oil reservoir is in a high level condition, the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 detects the level of the waste oil and gives a signal to the Arduino Uno to notify the red light (LED) and the alarm sounds. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the design of the Arduino Uno- based waste oil level monitoring system at PT. Megapower Makmur Tbk Bengkalis has been successfully made according to the desired needs. From the results of the comparison of the ultrasonic sensor with the meter it can work well and the average total error is 0.70 %, the power of the siren is 105,2 dB, and the results of the overall tool testing that have been carried out 20 times, the success rate of the tool is 100 %. Keywords: Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino Uno, LED, alarm 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis