Abstract :
Bengkalis Island which consists of Bengkalis and Bantan sub-districts for natural river areas, there are still water problems where it is difficult to get clean water for daily needs. This is because the existing dug wells contain peat soil powder so they cannot be used optimally for bathing, washing and latrine needs.
Generally, people in Sungai Alam Village prefer to use Well Water as a water source, but from the results of interviews with people in land-based natural river areas, they still do not get clear water quality so efforts need to be made to improve the quality of well water. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a filtration process for peat water in Sungai Alam Village as a form of solution to meet the clean water needs of the Sungai Alam village community.
The filtration process is carried out in several steps including equipment preparation, sampling, mixing samples (peat raw water) with alum to the filtration process and pH measurement. The preparation process includes tool design drawings and tool design. The sampling process is taking raw water to be tested from the field. The process of mixing samples with alum is the process of mixing raw peat water with alum and then allowing it to stand for 24 hours. The results of the research that have been carried out have obtained the pH value of raw peat water = 3.2, the pH of water that has been mixed with alum obtained pH = 2.8 while the pH value of peat water that has been mixed with alum and filtered is 3.5. From these results it was found that the filter that has been designed can increase the pH value up to 9.375% of the pH value of raw water before mixing alum and 25% of the pH value of water that has been mixed with alum.