Abstract :
Coconut fiber is one of the easily obtained biomass and is a by-product of
agriculture. Coconut fiber consists of fiber (fiber) and cork (pitch) that connects one
fiber to another. Coconut fiber consists of 75% fiber and 25% cork.
The research was conducted to determine the value and mechanical properties
of the bending test and to determine the fracture characteristics of the specimen. The
coconut fiber used must be separated from the powder and sieved with a mash size of
20 mm, making the composite using a Holow Iron mold with a width: 3 cm, length: 10
cm, thickness: 1 cm. the specimen specimen refers to the ASTM C939 standard for the
bending test. The results of the bending strength of fiber composite materials with the
highest maximum stress strength in the random direction short fiber variation of
11,496 N/mm², while the lowest yield on the parallel direction long fiber variation of
16,468 N/mm². Then for the highest maximum bending modulus of elasticity in the
random direction short fiber variation of 43,229 N/mm², while the lowest tensile
elastic modulus results in the parallel direction long fiber variation of 50,059 N/mm².