Abstract :
The weakness of the security system on the locker door is precisely on a key so that it is used by thieves to commit crimes by taking valuable objects stored in the locker. Locker doors that use conventional keys can be opened with a wire, keys can be duplicated, keys can be lost, and forget to lock the locker door. With the above problems, a smart locker security system was designed using NodeMCU based RFID. The system uses RFID or uses a keypad instead of a conventional key. This final project is focused on discussing RFID and in this design using the NodeMCU ESP8266 which functions to send notifications of locker conditions via Telegram, where notifications are obtained when the locker is open with RFID card access. This design uses NodeMCU to control the sensors used. The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) as a place of access to open the locker door by using a keychain tag or tag card to open the solenoid door lock locker. Testing the RFID reading distance can work well at a reading distance of 0 to 3.5 cm, a distance of 4 cm to 5 cm RFID cannot read. When the distance is 0 to 3.5 cm, the overall tool testing is from 26 trials, there are 11 appropriate results from 26 trials, with a percentage accuracy of 42 % and Telegram notifications work as desired, namely sending locker 1 notifications when lockers are accessed, locker 2 is accessed, and locker 3 is accessed.