Abstract :
Along with the development of an increasingly rapid era, the need for effectiveness and efficiency is prioritized in various fields. This encourages people to be creative and innovate in the field of technology. The purpose of this research is to design a mop robot based on NodeMCU ESP8266 using Android, where the control system used is very helpful in helping a prototype or for making tools. The method
used is NodeMCU-based Android Smartphone. The results of this study are that the tool can be operated using the NodeMCU as a control center and programmed using Arduino IDE software, then using the Blynk application as a controller to drive the mop by connecting the wifi network first to the NodeMCU. The conclusion is that the mop robot can be operated by connecting the NodeMCU with the Blynk application.
Based on test data on PWM motor voltages that have different motor rpm because
when the speed is below 240 rpm the tool does not run perfectly, when the PWM
reaches 255 the device already 100%.