Prototype Sirkulasi Air Pada Kolam Ikan Lele Secara Otomatis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Andriko, Findo
451 Teknik Elektro 
2022-08-27 21:43:59 
Abstract :
The development of science and technology is increasingly widespread and covers various aspects of human life. In the farm, the quality of cleanliness must be maintained, especially in the cleanliness of the water so that the condition of the livestock is always fit and is not exposed to bacteria caused by the turbidity of the water, so we need a tool that can facilitate farmers. Based on the description above, the authors arrange the title as follows: "Prototype of Water Circulation in Catfish Ponds Automatically" in this tool system shows the value of water quality using a turbidity sensor that is sent to the microcontroller and will then be sent to relay 1, relay 2, and relay 2 LCD. Relay 1 will turn the pump on or off. Relay 2 will open or close the valve if a microcontroller command is sent to open or close the valve. The results of all will be displayed on the LCD. From the results of testing the ultrasonic sensor with a ruler can work well and the average total error obtained is 2.036 %. And the results of the overall tool testing that has been done 10 times, the success rate of the tool is 100%. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis