Rancang Bangun Alat Kontrol Penerangan Lampu Taman Secara Otomatis Menggunakan internet Of Things (IoT)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Ferdinansyah, Sefhia Wulandari
451 Teknik Elektro 
2022-08-27 21:44:55 
Abstract :
From various counties around the world continue to develop technology and science to create something new to facilitate work and shorten work time. So that users no longer need to bother turning on and off a tool, just by using the internet someone can do work without having to come directly to the place of work. This garden light is designed so that someone no longer needs to turn on and off the garden light using a button, but automatically and uses the concept of the internet of things or in other words IoT. This garden lamp lighting control device will automatically function when given a voltage of 5 V on the NodeMCU ESP8266 to run the module system and use the blynk as monitoring, with a note that each component must be connected to wifi. From the results of the tests that have been carried out on the blynk test when the lights are on, it can be seen that the average delay in calculating the blynk when the lights are on is 6.2 second and the result of the tests thathave been carried out on the lights are off can be seen the average delay in calcutaling the blynk time lights off by 7.8 second. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis