Abstract :
One Company that processed cinnamon bark in Jambi still uses conventional or manual clotheslines as a tool for drying cinnamon bark. Of course this is very
inefficient considering the weather conditions are often erratic. there will often be
a delay in lifting the clothesline and it will be very detrimental if the cinnamon
bark is not dry optimally. Because it will have a big effect on the quality of the
product later. In this modern era, microcontroller/automation technology is
growing in all fields, ranging from industry, education, health and others. So we
need a system that can dry and lift / protect the drying automatically. This study
uses a prototype system development method where the first step is system
requirements analysis, at this stage the aim is to analyze the drying system that is
currently running at the company that processes cinnamon bark and analyze the
proposed system in the automatic drying system. the second is system design, at
this stage explains how the process of designing systems, hardware and software
(programs). The third is system testing, at this stage discusses the results of
testing the entire system. The fourth stage is implementation, at this stage
explaining how the development process and comparing the old system with the
new system. The result of this research is that the workers in the company will be
more free to do other jobs and will not worry if it rains at any time because the
system will automatically pull the clothesline to a shady place. From the results of
the tests that have been carried out, the success rate of the design tool for
automation drying cinnamon rack stacking using the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller based on android is 90%.